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What is PNB Net Banking? How to activate PNB Internet Banking?


In This Article, We will tell you today that PNB Net Banking Kya Hai, do you want to know something new, then you are looking at the right post, then stay tuned for complete information about our today’s post PNB Net Banking Kaise Activate Kare. To get, we hope that you will definitely like our post.

PNB Net Banking Kaise Use Kare Through today’s post, we will try to give you complete information. We will tell you about it in very simple language, hope that like our previous post, you will definitely like our today’s post PNB Net Banking Se Paise Kaise Kamaye, about which we will give you all the information.

Internet makes many of our difficult tasks easy, now Internet has become necessary for us. Many of our tasks have become easier with the Internet, such as getting information, shopping, or staying connected with our relatives or friends, it helps us in all these. Similarly, we also get banking facility from the Internet, with the help of which we can transact money sitting at home.

Net Banking is the one in which many bank facilities are made available to the people through internet. Net Banking is very useful for those people who cannot go to the bank due to their work and for those who do not have a bank in their nearby area. With Net Banking, we can check Transactions Details sitting at home, through this we can apply for Passbook, Cheque, Credit Card etc. without going to the bank.



So if you want to know about PNB Net Banking Online Active Kaise Kare, then for this you will have to read this post from beginning to end, only then you will get complete information about what is Net Banking and how to activate it online . So stay tuned in our today’s post from beginning to end to get all the information.

What is PNB Net Banking?

Internet Banking is such a facility provided by the Bank, which gives us all the information about the Bank Account sitting at home with the help of the Internet, such as checking the balance of our account, in this we can check all the old Transactions of the Account, which normally the Bank does not give us. Gives You can pay bills by shopping online through Net Banking, you can pay all types of Online Bills through this. You can transfer money online to your friends and family members through Net Banking.

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How to Activate PNB Net Banking?

If you want to start PNB Net Banking, then for this you have to follow our steps given below.

Step 1: Open Website

First of all, you have to open the official website of PNB on your system. You can also visit its website by clicking on the button below.

visit pnbnetbanking



Step 2: Select Option

Now PNB’s site will open in front of you, in which you will have two options Retail Internet Banking and Corporate Internet Banking, out of which you have to select one option according to your account, here we have selected Retail Internet Banking.



Step 3: Click On New User

Now a page will open in front of you, in which you have to click on New User.


Step 4: Enter the Account Number

In the next step, a page will open in front of you, in which you have to enter your account number.

Step 5: User Registration

  • Enter Account Number And Verify:

In this, you have to enter your account number and then mark Registration For Both Internet & Mobile Banking and click on Verify.


  • Enter password:

Now you have to mark View And Transaction in Type Of Facility and enter One Time Password below and then click on Continue.

Note one thing here, it is necessary to register your Mobile Number in Bank for Net Banking because on the same number, in one of its processes, an OTP will come on that mobile number, which you will have to put in it, so if your Mobile Number is not registered in Bank, then first it Go to the bank and get it registered.

  • Enter Card Number And ATM Pin:

Now you have to enter your Debit Card Number and ATM Pin here, then click on Continue.

As soon as you click on Continue, during PNB Online Banking Registration, you will get a User Id, which you should note down, mostly you forget the User Id while login, so that you can go around the bank.
Now you have to set PNB Internet Banking Transaction Password, for this you have to follow some steps.

Step 6: Set Login Password

In this, you have to give a password so that you will be able to login while using Net Banking, which you have to enter in both Password and Retype Password.


Step 7: Set Transaction Password

In this, you have to give the password which will be used while doing your transaction, which has to be entered at both the places in Password and Retype Password.

Step 8: Reset SMS Password

In this, you have to enter a 4 digit password which will be useful for you when you have to change the password, it also has to be entered in both Password and Retype Password.

Now you have to mark in the Checkbox of I Accept The Terms & Condition below and then click on Continue Button and now your PNB Net Banking Activation will be completed, a message Successful Registration will be shown on the screen and now you will be asked to go to the Go To Login Page.

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PNG Net Banking Login Kaise Kare

Login to PNB Internet Banking is very easy, you just have to open the official website of PNB in ​​your computer, laptop or smartphone, after opening you have to go to the option of your Retail Internet Banking and enter User Id there and click on Continue. Then you have to login by entering the password, then in this way you can login on PNB Internet Banking.

PNB Net Banking Se Mobile Recharge Kaise Kare

Today we will tell you how to Recharge Mobile Phone through PNB Net Banking, that too in very easy ways, for this you have to download and install PNB Mbanking App first, now you have to login with the help of your User Id and Password.

Now a new page will open in front of you, in which all the details will be shown, now you have to click on the option of Mobile Recharge & DTH Recharge shown below, now a page will open in front of you, in which you will have to enter some details like- Mobile Number, Operator Number , Select Circle, and Amount and click on Proceed below.

Now another page will open in which you will see Send Receipt To written, below that you have to enter your email and phone number and click on Proceed. Now in the next page you will see the details of your recharge. You can see it carefully and click on Confirm below. Just click, now your recharge has been done, for which you will get a message.

How to earn money from PNB net banking

To earn money from PNB, first of all you have to go to a PNB Rewardz, on this you can easily login, this is a type of PNB Reward Service, in this you can do transaction of money through Debit Card, Net Banking, in this you will get some Reward Points on transaction of money, which you can convert into money, in this you will get 1 Point for every 100 rupees Transaction and 4 Point is worth 1 rupee.


Hope you have liked our today’s post PNB Net Banking Kaise Shuru Kare, along with this you got information about PNB Net Banking In Hindi, if you want that you get to read such important information, then you Can tell along with like and share our post.

So friends, how did you like our today’s post How To Use PNB Net Banking In Hindi, please tell by commenting in the Comment Box, hope that you have understood everything about PNB Internet Banking Kaise Kare very well.

See Also – HDFC NetBanking – Register/Login HDFCDFC Netbanking & 12 Best Features of HDFCDFC Netbanking

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